After a theatrical run, ‘The Sabarmati Report', starring Vikrant Massey, is reported to premiere on an OTT platform. The film, inspired by the events surrounding the 2002 Godhra train burning incident, was initially released in cinemas on November 15. Directed by Dheeraj Sarna and produced under Balaji Motion Pictures, the movie has been widely discussed for its bold take on one of India's most debated tragedies. It is expected to draw considerable viewership online following its cinematic acclaim.
When and Where to Watch The Sabarmati Report
According to reports, the film is slated for an early January release on ZEE5. Fans eagerly await this launch, which will allow a broader audience to engage with the narrative. The movie's theatrical release had garnered attention for its tax-free status in certain states, further fuelling public interest in its streaming debut.
Official Trailer and Plot of The Sabarmati Report
The trailer of ‘The Sabarmati Report' offers a glimpse into the tense and dramatic recounting of the Godhra train burning incident. The plot centres on the events of February 27, 2002, delving into the lives of the individuals aboard the ill-fated Sabarmati Express. Written by Avinash and Arjun, the storyline combines historical facts with compelling character arcs to provide a nuanced perspective on the tragedy.
Cast and Crew of The Sabarmati Report
Vikrant Massey plays a pivotal role alongside Riddhi Dogra and Raashi Khanna. Initially directed by Ranjan Chandel, the project saw Dheeraj Sarna take over mid-production. Produced by Ektaa Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor, along with Vikir Films Production and Vipin Agnihotri Films, the movie boasts a strong creative team dedicated to its storytelling.
Reception of The Sabarmati Report
The film holds a 6.6 IMDb rating, reflecting mixed-to-positive audience feedback. Its theatrical performance was poor, but its critical reception highlighted the film's ambitious approach to retelling a sensitive event. The upcoming OTT release is likely to attract further attention and spark discussions around its portrayal of historical events.
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